Posts tagged first aid
Marketing First Aid

No, I'm not standing next to a doctor. This is Kimberly Kelly, owner of Marketing First Aid. Having graduated from college with a degree in marketing, I have been intrigued by different marketing strategies, both good and bad. But Kimberly's branding herself as a Marketing Clinician is ingenious! Everything associated with her brand has a medical undertone to it which helps you to remember her and her company through its consistent messaging.

While talking to Kimberly, I was impressed with her passion for helping to fix the "sickness" that business owners feel from previous marketing failures. Her most notable marketing campaign has been working with Bob Ross of PBS - also known as the "white guy with the afro who paints". Kimberly's background is in ministry which is why she loves to help the solopreneur with their marketing efforts. If you really want to be wowed and in turn wow your customers, reach out to Kimberly of Marketing First Aid!