Posts tagged all-natural
Oyin Handmade
Photo courtesy of Ebony magazine

Photo courtesy of Ebony magazine

Jamyla Bennu is the CEO of Oyin Handmade which is a Baltimore, MD company that she created. This successful entrepreneur is still a wife and mother at heart. Her husband Pierre and two sons keep her grounded while juggling the demands of her company.

Oyin is the Yoruba word for honey which Bennu has found to be an amazing ingredient in natural skin and hair care. The long list of products include lotion, conditioner, deodorant, shampoo and more. If the name Oyin Handmade sounds familiar, it's probably because you've seen the products in your bathroom or your local beauty supply store or Target or CVS or ... you get the picture!

Symphony Chips

Symphony Chips is based out of Atlanta, GA and was launched by Dondre Anderson and his two daughters Amina and Amari. Symphony Chips are gluten-free, MSG-free and all natural. Dondre's "Symphony" spice became one of the best selling products of his All A's Spice brand and he got the idea to use it in a potato chip. It became a big hit and Symphony Chips was born!

From its humble beginnings of just being available for wholesale purchase or directly from the website, Symphony chips are now available in select locations around Atlanta. They include the Woodruff Arts Center and Sevananda, which is Dondre's natural foods market.